Friday, January 18, 2013

Updated iOS App!

Are pleased to announce that SJ IM for iOS updated to store App Store.

The basic modifications that are made in version 1.3.
  1.      Program settings are not stored on the device - for security
  2.      Adapting to iOS 6.0
  3.      Adapting the design of the iPhone 5
  4.      Modifying the interface and usability in versions for iPhone
  5.      Improved stability of the program.
  6.      Counters work properly notified of new messages. 
These are the main improvements that have been released with the new version of the program, but not all of the updates that were made to the version under the IOS.

Official description version on

Page SJ IM on the app store

Thank you for your attention next week will be an upgrade version of Windows SJ - IM

Regards SJ Software Development Group Limited

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